St Luke's Way Newsletter - 19.07.24

Welcome to the first St Luke's Way Newsletter for Term 3, 2024. Following, you'll find newsletter articles from St Luke's Principal, Matthew Hughes, as well as all main areas of the School. Please open your newsletter article of choice by clicking on the options below.

From the Principal
A Message from Principal, Matthew Hughes

International Study Tour - Macau

Today we farewell 10 students from Choi Kou School in Macau, and their teacher. I know that they have had an amazing time in Bundaberg, made all the more special by the efforts of their homestay families, and the St Luke’s students who have acted as buddies throughout their time in Australia. International exchange is such a rewarding experience, for all involved. At our farewell dinner last night it was obvious how much of an impact the Choi Kou students had on our students, and vice versa. If you have never considered being a homestay family, and you have space in your home for a short or long stay international student, I highly recommend it.

Traffic and Master Plan

The Primary car park is almost complete, and we look forward to reopening this as soon as possible. I wanted to let our community know that this is a small, immediate measure as part of a broader plan to improve traffic flow through St Luke’s. The School commissioned a traffic study in 2023, and earlier this year received the recommendations of this study. We are currently working with the School’s architect to update our Built Environment Master Plan, which will include traffic improvements along with adjusting our existing plans slightly to ensure St Luke’s continues to cater to our students and families. I hope to share updates regarding this later in the year.

Community Fair

We are getting very excited about the Community Fair, which is now only two weeks away. Entry to the fair is free, though families do need to purchase ride tickets. Early bird prices finish today, so don’t delay! There will be so many fun activities on the day. I recently heard about all the activities our Primary classes are putting together, and how involved the students have been in these ideas. Please bring along some small change, as a number of these activities are fundraisers for very worthy causes. I am also excited to watch the final Rock Pop Mime presentations by the Middle and Senior School students. I’ve snuck into a few practices this term, and I know the end result will be amazing.

Staff updates

Over the holidays Mr Len Kirchner let me know of his decision to resign in order to pursue a business opportunity. Mr Kirchner has always displayed an entrepreneurial spirit and so while his departure will be a loss for St Luke's, I offered my congratulations to Mr Kirchner on his decision to go into business for himself. Knowing his dedication and work ethic, it is sure to be a success.

Mr Kirchner will conclude his time at St Luke’s in early August. In the near future St Luke’s will recruit for Mr Kirchner’s replacement, and in the meantime Mr Dwayne McKay will resume the role of Director of Co Curricular Sport, as he did while Mr Kirchner was on long service leave. We wish Mr Kirchner all the best for his new adventure, and thank him for his service to St Luke's.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our School.

Mr Matthew Hughes


From the Early Learning Centre
A Message from the Acting Director of Early Learning Centre, Bree Kaufusi


This term our Kindys are excited to have the opportunity to engage in a ‘Buddy Program’ with the School’s Year 8 students. Each fortnight the students spend time interacting, conversing with the Kindy children, building friendships and joining in their play experiences. Valuable experiences such as these allow children to develop a sense of belonging to the wider school community and build connections in preparation for transitioning to a school environment.


Following on from the children’s interests in dinosaurs and sensory play, Pre-Kindy friends were presented with a frozen sensory experience. Mini dinosaurs were frozen in ice cubes and friends had to ‘save’ the dinosaurs by using their fine motor skills to manipulate droppers and syringes to squirt water on the ice cubes to melt the ice. Pre-Kindy friends also enjoyed exploring textured playdough and gloopy slime, construction with magnetic shapes and soaking up the sunshine out on the playfort.


Junior friends had a fun time engaging in imaginative role play with dress ups this week. Donning an array of costumes from princess gowns and doctor scrubs to construction hard hats, friends giggled while they chatted about what they would like to be when they grow up. Dress-up encourages creative thinking, communication skills and supports language development and social skills. Friends also enjoyed building cubbies with the large connector shapes, bubble blowing and felt board stories.

Warmest regards,

Mrs Bree Kaufusi

Acting Director of Early Learning Centre

From the Primary School
A Message from Head of Primary, Tonia Lassman

We welcome all our families to Term 3 and hope you have had a lovely three-week break. We will advise our community when the Tennis Court Car Park will be operational again. Hopefully this won’t be too far away. Until then, we wish to thank you for your understanding and patience.

Primary Athletics Carnival/Mini Olympics

The annual Inter-house Athletics Carnival is always an opportunity for us as a whole school to connect, support and build relationships across our campus. As is the case, our students have once again done themselves proud with some amazing sportsmanship and competition. It is commendable to see the high participation of all of our Primary students at these events!

While Browning took out the Overall Points Trophy, the highlights over the two days of competition were not just reserved for sporting achievements. There were many instances of students supporting each other and creating an atmosphere that was extremely special to be a part of.

All students are congratulated for their efforts and their display of The St Luke’s Way as they competed in such good spirit.

We also thank the wider St Luke’s Community for attending and helping to make this carnival a successful one for all involved.

Primary Age Champions were as follows:

9 Years Girls

1 Lucca

2 Greta

3 Miami

9 Years Boys

1 Hudson

2 Ace

3 Harlen

10 Years Girls

1 Harper

2 Nabeeha

3 Matilda

10 Years Boys

1 Lindsey

2 Gryffyn

3 Casey

11 Years Girls

1 Zia

2 Florence

3 Stella

11 Years Boys

1 James

2 Connor

3 Nikith

12 Years Girls

2 Laura Bryant (tied for second place)

12 Years Boys

1 Renesh

3 Leo

Opt-In ICAS Competition

We are delighted to inform you that St Luke’s Anglican School will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competition this year, offering English, Mathematics and Science for students in Years 3 to 10.  This is offered in addition to the existing academic competitions made available by the School. ICAS is an individual activity that parents may choose to have their children participate in. The closing date and time for parents to register and pay for their child is 29 July, 11.59 pm. 

Meilene Visits

Our Primary School classes have been visiting the Meilene Aged Care Facility. During these visits, our students have participated in various activities with the residents, such as singing songs, crafts, games, and reading books. This has been a wonderful and heartwarming opportunity for our students to connect with the residents in an intergenerational way.

Macau Visit

Over the past two weeks, St Luke’s has had the pleasure of hosting a group of students from Choi Kou Anglican School in Macau for a short-term study tour. During their visit, the students had the opportunity to visit some of our Primary classes, where they enjoyed practising their English and sharing a little of their culture with our students. The experience was rich and rewarding for all involved, and we wish the Choi Kou students a safe journey home.

Adopt a Cop Cyber Safety Visit

On Wednesday, our Years 3 to 6 students enthusiastically welcomed our Adopt-a-Cop, Acting Sergeant Luke Handley, who delivered a fantastic and informative presentation on Cyber Safety and how our students can remain safe whilst accessing the internet.

Jump Rope for Heart Kicks Off

Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $108 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work. Mrs. Russo launched our 2024 campaign on Assembly last week, and since then, 169 students have registered and logged 133 hours of skipping. Currently, our fundraising total sits at just over $6000.00!! Upon hearing of this incredible start, the Heart Foundation sent this video to thank our community for their support.

Our program will run across Term 3, with students skipping before school and at lunchtime. Throughout this time, you can share your child's online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.

It is easy to register your child online. Follow this link to sign up today! You can also join and follow along on our Facebook Group. We will have lots of challenges and skipping videos to share on this Facebook group.

Thank you for supporting the St Luke’s Jump Rope for Heart program.

Book Week and Grandparent’s Day 2024

Book Week celebrations this year are held from 19 - 23 August, with the theme ‘Reading is Magic'. The Primary School Book Week Parade will be held on the morning of Monday 19 August, so it’s time to start thinking of costume ideas! Grandparent’s Day will be celebrated following the Book Week Parade. More specific information on the Book Week Parade and Grandparent’s Day will be provided soon.

Father’s Day 2024

Father’s Day celebrations will be held on Monday 2 September in our Primary School. More information regarding this event will be sent out shortly.

Volunteers Needed - Jumps Day 2024

St Luke’s P&F Association are seeking volunteers on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 August to assist with running the canteen for the Bundaberg District Schools’ Jumps Day. Volunteers are required from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm to help set up, prepare food, serve customers and general end-of-day clean up.

The P&F are also seeking donations of non-refrigerated slices, cupcakes or easy to slice cakes to sell during this two-day event

If you can spare one hour, several hours or the whole day, or if you can provide any baked goods, please contact Kylie Johnson at or 4132 7525.

Students - Morning Tea and Lunch

We have noticed with the colder weather, some students are consuming all lunch box items during morning tea and coming to the Primary Office without any food left for lunch. We kindly ask if you could please check with your child to ensure they have enough food in their lunch box for both morning tea and lunch.

Students Being Collected Early

A friendly reminder if you need to pick up your child early from class or make alternative arrangements for the end of the day, please inform the Primary Office Staff as early as possible and before 2.30 pm. This allows us to relay the information to your child with sufficient notice. Please also ensure that your contact details are current in Parent Lounge.

Lost Property

There are many lost property items currently in the Primary Office. We ask that you please make sure all items of clothing, including shoes, hats, lunch boxes and containers, are labelled with your child’s name so that if any items come to the Primary Office we can return them to their owners as soon as possible.

Signing in Children Late

If you bring your child to school late, please ensure you sign them in at the Primary Office to avoid receiving a text message from the School.

Notification of Extended Absence (greater than seven school days)

Please be advised that should your child be absent from school for more than seven school days, you are required to complete a Notification of Extended Absence form, which is available at the Primary Office.

Kind regards,

Ms Tonia Lassman

Head of Primary School

From the Middle School
A Message from Head of Middle School, Mark Fancourt

Dear Middle School Parents and Caregivers, 

The St Luke's Middle School newsletter is recorded as a video by myself and Head of Senior School, Mrs Robyn Deer, and then uploaded to YouTube. For this fortnight's newsletter content please visit the following YouTube link.

Alternatively, you may wish to jump ahead to specific topics within the same video. If so, please go to the following category links.

Kind regards,

Mr Mark Fancourt

Head of Middle School

From the Senior School
A Message from Head of Senior School, Robyn Deer

Welcome to the Senior School newsletter for this fortnight. Head of Middle School, Mr Mark Fancourt and I have recorded a video update and uploaded it to YouTube for your convenience. To watch this fortnight's newsletter content for Middle and Senior School, please visit the following YouTube link.

Alternatively, you may wish to jump ahead to specific topics within the same video. If so, please go to the following category links.

Kind regards,

Ms Robyn Deer

Head of Senior School

From the Chaplain
A Message from the Chaplain, Reverend Erika Williams

There is no update this fortnight from the Chaplain.

Reverend Erika Williams


From Sport
A Message from the Director of Co-curricular (Sport), Len Kirchner

Representative Selections for 2024.

Congratulations to our Sports Representatives for 2024. To view the full list of students, please click here.

Mr Len Kirchner

Director of Co-curricular (Sport)

From Performing Arts
A Message from the Director of Co-curricular (Cultural), Nicole Strohfeldt

Bundaberg Eisteddfod

Congratulations to all St Luke’s students who have competed in the Bundaberg Eisteddfod this week. Students have retuirned to school after their perfromacnes with a sway of trophies, certificates and beaming smiles. Best of luck to those competing on Saturday. Next week is a huge week of ensemble competition and we wish our St Luke’s choirs, bands, orchestras and chamber ensembles a fun and enjoyable competition.

Barry Green Visit

Our visiting artist, double bassist Barry Green has energised and inspired our students and teachers this week with a hectic schedule of coaching, speaking engagements and orchestral sessions. We are grateful to the Australian Strings Association for bringing Barry to Bundaberg. We feel very fortunate to be the only regional city in Australia to host Barry on his national tour.

Mrs Nicole Strohfeldt

Director of Co-curricular (Culture)

From Community Fair
A Message about our Community Fair

Join us on Saturday 3 August for a day of community, connection and fun at the St Luke's Community Fair. From rides, slides and interactive activities to food trucks, market stalls, live music, exhibition sport and fireworks, the day promises plenty of fun for the whole family.

Rides, food trucks and market stalls will operate from 12.00 pm to 4.00 pm. The afternoon will finish with a BBQ from 4.00 pm, followed by our annual Rock Pop Mime performances. The day's festivities will end with a fireworks display at 7.00 pm.

Entry is free, and ride tickets can be pre-purchased online via this link. Early bird prices end today, so don't delay!

What to Expect at the Community Fair

Rides and Slides

With even more rides and interactive activities than before, our 2024 Community Fair promises plenty of fun for all ages. This year, the selection of rides will include:

  • Dodgem Cars
  • Super Sizzler
  • Merry-go-round
  • Spinning Cups
  • Inflatables
  • Mega Slide
  • Pirate Ship
  • Let's Dance
  • Mega Twister
  • Pop Up Laser Tag
  • Train Rides

Other Attractions

  • Face Painting
  • Petting Zoo
  • St Luke's Celebrity Dunking Machine

Food and Drinks

From street food to international cuisine, coffee and even bubble tea, you will find something to satisfy any appetite at our Food Truck Alley. Offerings include:

  • Woodfired Pizza
  • Burgers
  • BBQ and Hot Chips
  • South African Cuisine
  • Street Food
  • German Sausage
  • Dutch Profiteroles
  • Ice Cream
  • Coffee
  • Bubble Tea

Market Stalls

Our Market Lane will feature over 25 of the region's greatest producers, crafters and artists.

Thank You to our Sponsors

St Luke's would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of this event:

From the Turtle Café

A Message from our Turtle Café Convenor, Kylie Johnson

Flexischools Orders

Just a reminder that the cut-off time for Flexischools orders is 9.00 am each morning. If you have placed an order prior to this time and, for some reason, your child is going to be absent, you can cancel your order on Flexischools online before the daily cut-off time.

You can view our current Turtle Cafe menu here.

Yours in Nutrition,

Mrs Kylie Johnson

Turtle Café Convenor

From the Uniform Shop
A Message from the Supervisor of Uniform Shop, Fiona McCartney

Shop Hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7.45 am to 11.00 am and 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm (with the exception of Public Holidays).

Student Fittings for 2025

We are currently fitting students and placing orders for the 2025 school year. Please book your appointment via the Parent Portal to have your fitting completed. Please ensure all fittings are booked prior to the September holidays. No payment is required at these fittings. Unfortunately, no guarantee of stock can be given if you have not placed an order for 2025.

Online Ordering  

    Online ordering from the Uniform Shop is available and can be placed via Flexischools. To find out more information, please click here.

    Mrs Fiona McCartney

    Shop Supervisor

    From the Learning Hub
    A Message from the Learning Hub

    There is no update this fortnight from the Learning Hub.

    Ms Peggy Labenski

    Learning Hub Manager

    Business Matters
    A Message from St Luke's Anglican School

    School Fees

    All school fee accounts for term 3 have been emailed out to families and are due for payment by Wednesday 7 August 2024. Family statements can also be viewed on the Parent Portal under Accounts and Payments.

    Overdue accounts will be considered acceptable if a regular payment arrangement is in place and being honoured, otherwise a $25 per month Administration Levy Late Fee is applicable.

    The School offers various payment methods for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Susan Browne or Mrs Michelle Prickett on 4132 7555 if you would like to set up a payment plan or have any queries regarding your account.

    Notice of Enrolment Termination

    The Notes to the Schedule of Fees lists the following requirements for withdrawal of enrolment:

    If the student is to leave the School the parent agrees to give at least one term’s written notice to the School. This notice should be received:

    • not later than the first day of term at the end of which it is intended that the student should leave, or

    • if it is intended that the student should leave during a term, not later than the first day of the immediately preceding term.

    • If the parent intends to cancel or (with the School’s agreement) postpone or otherwise vary the student’s enrolment, the parent will give notice to that effect to the School no later than the first day of the term immediately preceding the date of entry.

    • If the parent fails to comply with either of the above paragraphs, the parent will pay or forfeit (as the case may be) to the School one term’s fees and charges in lieu of notice unless the Business Manager, in his/her sole discretion, agrees to remit payment of those fees wholly or partially.