Accounting provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of the essential role of organising, analysing and communicating financial data and information in the successful performance of any organisation.
Ancient History provides opportunities for students to study people, societies and civilisations of the past, from the development of the earliest human communities to the end of the Middle Ages.
Biology provides opportunities for students to engage with living systems. Students develop their understanding of cells and multicellular organisms, studying biodiversity and the interconnectedness of life. This knowledge is linked with the concepts of heredity and the continuity of life.
Chemistry is the study of materials and their properties and structure. Students explore topics including atomic theory, chemical bonding, the structure and properties of elements and compounds, intermolecular forces, gases, aqueous solutions, organic chemistry, acidity and rates of reaction.
Design focuses on the application of design thinking to envisage creative products, services and environments in response to human needs, wants and opportunities. Designing is a complex and sophisticated form of problem-solving that uses divergent and convergent thinking strategies that can be practised and improved.
Digital Solutions enables students to learn about algorithms, computer languages and user interfaces through generating digital solutions to problems. Students engage with data, information and applications to create digital solutions. They understand computing’s personal, local and global impact, and the issues associated with the ethical integration of technology into our daily lives.
Drama fosters creative and expressive communication. It interrogates the human experience by investigating, communicating and embodying stories, experiences, emotions and ideas that reflect the human experience. It engages students in imaginative meaning-making processes and involves them using a range of artistic skills as they make and respond to dramatic works.
Economics encourages students to think deeply about the global challenges facing individuals, business and government, including how to allocate and distribute scarce resources to maximise well-being. They dissect and interpret the complex nature of international economic relationships and the dynamics of Australia’s place in the global economy.
English and Literature Extension (Year 12 only) is an extension of the English General senior syllabus. The subject is designed to offer a greater challenge than Senior English, and builds on the literature study students have already undertaken. Study in this subject uses a variety of theoretical approaches to analysing and evaluating literary texts, and helps students to explore ways of valuing literature.
Geography focuses on the significance of ‘place’ and ‘space’ in understanding our world. Students engage in a range of learning experiences that develop their geographical skills and thinking through the exploration of geographical challenges and their effects on people, places and the environment.
Hospitality Practices emphasises the food and beverage sector, which includes food and beverage production and service. Through this focus, students develop an understanding of hospitality and the structure, scope and operation of related activities in the food and beverage sector.
Industrial Technology focuses on the underpinning industry practices and production processes required to manufacture products in a variety of industries, including aero-skills, automotive, building and construction, engineering, furnishing and plastics.
Japanese provides students with the opportunity, through written, spoken and visual texts, to reflect on their understanding of the Japanese language and the communities that use it, while also developing an understanding of experiences and meaning across cultures and languages.
Legal Studies focuses on the interaction between society and the discipline of law, and explores the role and development of law in response to current issues. Students study the legal system and how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights of individuals, while balancing these with obligations and responsibilities.
Media Arts in Practice focuses on the role media arts plays in the community in reflecting and shaping society’s values, attitudes and beliefs. It provides opportunities for students to create and share media artworks that convey meaning and express insight.
Modern History provides opportunities for students to gain historical knowledge and understanding about some of the main forces that have contributed to the development of the Modern World and to think historically and form an historical consciousness in relation to these same forces.
Music fosters creative and expressive communication. It allows students to develop musicianship through making (composition and performance) and responding (musicology). Students demonstrate practical music skills, and analyse and evaluate music in a variety of contexts, styles and genres.
Music Extension (Year 12 only) is an extension of the Music General senior syllabus. It provides an opportunity for students with specific abilities in music to extend their expertise. Students select one specialisation only, and follow an individual program of study designed to continue the development of refined musicianship skills.
Physical Education provides students with knowledge, understanding and skills to explore and enhance their own and others’ health and physical activity in diverse and changing contexts.
Physics provides opportunities for students to engage with classical and modern understandings of the universe. Students develop appreciation of the contribution physics makes to society: understanding that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analysed and predicted using concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action.
Psychology provides opportunities for students to engage with concepts that explain behaviours and underlying cognitions. They explore diverse topics, including cognitive development, human consciousness and sleep, the concept of intelligence, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorder, and the contribution of emotion and motivation to individual behaviour.
Specialist Mathematics is designed for students who develop confidence in their mathematical knowledge and ability, and gain a positive view of themselves as mathematics learners. They will gain an appreciation of the true nature of mathematics, its beauty and its power.
Visual Art provides students with opportunities to understand and appreciate the role of visual art in past and present traditions and cultures, as well as the contributions of contemporary visual artists and their aesthetic, historical and cultural influences.