Middle School

Welcome to St Luke's Middle School for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Here, we understand that students are undergoing rapid changes physically, mentally and emotionally, and that these years are where peak brain and cognitive development occurs. Offering a broad curriculum with smaller classes and a dedicated Middle School Building with exclusive teachers, providing more attention for each student is the highest priority at St Luke's Middle School.

Meet Mark Fancourt, Head of Middle School

Mark commenced his journey at St Luke’s Anglican School in 2024 as the Head of Middle School. Prior to joining St Luke’s, he held senior leadership positions at an independent school in Ipswich. Mark holds a Bachelor of Education, Masters of Leadership and Management in Education and an MBA in Human Resources from the Australian Institute of Management.

Mark has extensive experience with pastoral care, developing several different programs at his previous school to support the continual growth of student wellbeing and performance. He has a keen interest in academic wellbeing and using school data to understand and support each individual student.

Mark has relocated with his family to Bundaberg and has two children who are also part of the St Luke’s family.

For questions about St Luke's Middle School, please contact Mark:

Welcome to St Luke's Middle School

Welcome to Middle School

St Luke's Middle School is a dedicated school for Years 7, 8 and 9, with the primary goal to provide its students with a developed curriculum and structure that is most appropriate for young adolescents during this unique and challenging time in their physical, emotional and mental development. St Luke's was the first school in the region to implement a dedicated Middle School cohort because it understood that during adolescence there are peaks in brain and cognitive development, and students experience more rapid and dramatic changes to their minds, bodies and personality. And so, a dedicated Middle School was established to ease the transition from Primary School to Senior School.

St Luke's Middle School students enjoy their own learning centre, with designated learning spaces, classrooms and teachers, all complimented with smaller, attentive class sizes and a unique, focused-style of teaching, with subjects appropriately suited to their developmental level. It also offers students open-planned indoor spaces, spacious outdoor precincts, flexible learning areas and breakout rooms. 

Students of St Luke's Middle School enjoy:

  • A highly qualified and experienced teaching staff
  • Small learning communities which provide students with sustained, individual attention
  • More diversity in relevant and challenging subjects which develop higher order thinking strategies
  • Rich media and technology
  • Opportunities to participate across a wide variety of sports, art and performing arts, social causes and volunteer roles, leadership and mentoring roles, public speaking, intellectual challenges and competitions
  • Heterogeneous and flexible student groupings, incorporating pastoral care classes, house groupings, single gender and co-educational settings
  • Emphasis on strong teacher-student relationships
  • Authentic and reflective assessment with high expectations
  • Parental and community involvement in student learning

Middle School Curriculum

Middle School curriculum

​​​Years 7, 8 and 9 Core Subjects

In years 7, 8 and 9, St Luke's students Middle School students will learn.

English teaches students the skills to interpret and evaluate written, spoken and multimodal texts through reading, listening, viewing, interpretation and evaluation. Middle School English students will learn these skills through persuasive writing, poetry, study of novels including myths and legends, textual transformations, narratives, documentaries and film analysis.   

Mathematics study includes learning proficiencies across a range of mathematical terms and expressions, ensuring understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. As students progress through Middle School, more challenging areas of mathematics are introduced.

Science students will be introduced to scientific topics, including the curiosities of the natural world, forces, biodiversity, mixtures, space and the Solar System, Earth, the microscopic world, matter and particles, chemical and physical change, energies, the human body, the atom, conservation of matter and continental movement.  

History and Geography highlights subject matter of historical and geographical focus. Areas of study will include, but are not limited to, Ancient Greece, Ancient China, Vikings, World War 1, the Industrial Revolution, changing nations, water in the world, place and liveability, landforms and landscapes, biomes and food security. 

Ethics and Faith students study traditions and practises of faith including courage, forgiveness, respect, understanding, acceptance, and developing character traits of honesty, resilience and introspection. Topics covered include the Christian Bible, the person of Jesus, Christian Saints, other world religions and their origin, social justice and two models of creation (the Big Bang and the Biblical Story of Creation).  

Health and Physical Education engages students in the areas of Swimming, Touch Football, Netball, striking sports, large field sports, Cross Country, team games, Athletics, Indigenous games, fitness, first aid and recreational games, all coupled with academic testing.

Philosophical Inquiry is a rigorous process which requires reflective, critical, creative and caring thinking. Philosophical Inquiry aims to teach students to make judgements and ask questions to make sense of the world. 

Year 7 Rotational Subjects

All students in Year 7 rotate through the following subjects:

Music at Middle School year levels includes exposure to folk music, the development of students' vocal skill, bucket drumming, guitar, singing and vocal work, drum kit and keyboard. Performance, aural skills, music literacy and composition are also part of the Middle School music curriculum.

Art for Middle School students commences with Year 7 clay work, painting, drawing and artist research. In Year 8 students move into more advanced drawing, grid work, layering and pixels, while continuing with the clay medium. In Year 9, students move onto sculpting as a main medium.

Drama teaches students topics such as roles, relationships, tension, focus, mood, language, movement, place and time settings, with progression into improvisation, written pieces, character roles and acting, developing vocal and physical skills for performance.  

Engineering Technology provides students with opportunities to consider how solutions created now will be used in the future through the use of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment. As students progress through Middle School, assessment tasks include, but are not limited to, computer-aided drafting, solar engineering, 3D printing and technology for the future.  

Digital Technology teaches students the application of computational, design thinking and technical skills to define problems through analysis, then solve them through digital solutions and shared information. As students progress, areas of robotics, virtual reality gaming and coding are also studied. 

Japanese teaches students areas of Japanese language function to communicate ideas, information, opinions, arguments and conclusions through listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

Year 8 and Year 9 Electives

In Year 8 of Middle School, students may additionally learn:

Multi Media Arts teaches students to comprehend and demonstrate an understanding in photography, video, composition, camera optics and settings, sequencing and the planning for the creation of photographs and video. 

Food Technology aims to develop students' manipulative and technical skills, critical thinking, creativity, nutrition knowledge and application with a catering context. Students will learn safety hygiene, food preparation, knife and oven skills, basic cooking skills, food nutrition, healthy eating and food groups. 

Art for Middle School students commences with Year 7 clay work, painting, drawing and artist research. In Year 8 students move into more advanced drawing, grid work, layering and pixels, while continuing with the clay medium. In Year 9, students move onto sculpting as a main medium.

Music at Middle School year levels includes exposure to folk music, the development of students' vocal skill, bucket drumming, guitar, singing and vocal work, drum kit and keyboard. Performance, aural skills, music literacy and composition are also part of the Middle School music curriculum.

Drama teaches students topics such as roles, relationships, tension, focus, mood, language, movement, place and time settings, with progression into improvisation, written pieces, character roles and acting, developing vocal and physical skills for performance.  

Engineering Technology provides students with opportunities to consider how solutions created now will be used in the future through the use of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment. As students progress through Middle School, assessment tasks include, but are not limited to, computer-aided drafting, solar engineering, 3D printing and technology for the future.  

Digital Technology teaches students the application of computational, design thinking and technical skills to define problems through analysis, then solve them through digital solutions and shared information. As students progress, areas of robotics, virtual reality gaming and coding are also studied. 

Japanese teaches students areas of Japanese language function to communicate ideas, information, opinions, arguments and conclusions through listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

Year 9 Exclusive Elective

In Year 9 of Middle School, students may additionally learn:

Future Thinkers offers students a subject focus of 21st Century 'soft skill' thinking through the study of various disciplines in historical and modern leadership styles, design thinking, critical thinking, economics, marketing and public relations. This subject prioritises teamwork, leadership, design and critical thinking. 

Student Leadership

Student leadership in Middle School provides opportunities, considered essential in the development of self-esteem, emotional growth and confidence, considered essential for students at St Luke’s Anglican School. St Luke's students have many opportunities to develop responsible behaviour during their time at the School by undertaking any of the following formal leadership positions:

House Leaders: Leadership, support and involvement at school-based events such as Interhouse events, carnivals and Rock Pop Mime.
Chapel Leader: Support and promote the spiritual and religious life of the School and play an active role in organised religious ceremonies.
Service Leader: Promote and actively assist the many service opportunities supported by the School.
Sport Leader: Promote and support sporting opportunities available at a school level and beyond.
Cultural Leader: Promote, support and play an active role in the School's musical and performance groups including associated events.

Middle School Handbook

St Luke's Anglican School Middle School Handbook is a comprehensive booklet of everything you need to know about the Middle School. To view or download your copy, click the download button below. 

Middle School Uniform Guide

St Luke's Uniform

The St Luke's Anglican School's Middle School Uniform varies depending on event, weather, or formality. There are also variations for shorts or pants, jackets and jumpers, and sock styles to name a few. 

With this in mind, St Luke's has put together this easy to understand, visual guide to all uniform variations that your child may need throughout the year. Please click the button link below to view or download the guide.