
Academic achievement and student success are major components of a St Luke’s Anglican School education. To this end, our curriculum is designed to provide a continuum of educational experiences and learning opportunities for students from Kindy to Year 12. This enables great personal growth and the acquisition of knowledge, through a child’s formative years all the way to young adulthood.

Academic Rigour

Academic rigour is a key factor in understanding and developing student learning at St Luke’s. It allows us to challenge students to think, perform and intellectually grow, and enables students to work at building their skills, understanding and thinking, so that they can achieve all forms of success. 

As a P-12 School, St Luke’s is also supremely positioned to take full advantage of specialist facilities, expert tuition and support in a seamless transition across all year levels. These natural advantages of our school structure greatly complement each student’s growth and development, particularly in the progression from the Early Learning Centre, to the Primary School, through the Middle School, and into the Senior School. 

Academic Support and Tutoring Programs

St Luke’s Anglican School has a strong commitment to developing curriculum support structures appropriate to student’s developmental and intellectual needs, thus enhancing their academic growth. Students may be identified as needing additional help and tutoring, or accelerated and advanced learning, and processes are in place to provide each student with their learning needs. A team of specialist differentiated learning teachers, educators and support staff work together to bring about positive learning outcomes for all students.

Educational Support Program

The St Luke’s Educational Support Program assists Primary School students who need additional, specialised and individual attention to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. The ultimate goal is to improve the academic skills of the student, enhanced their self-esteem, and engage the parents and caregivers in the educational support process. 

Differentiated Learning, Enrichment and Extension Programs

St Luke's Anglican School recognises the right of all students to equitable access to the curriculum, offering inclusive education programs specific to the educational needs of students. The School will assist the full participation of students with individual needs in order to maximise their potential. The Differentiated Learning Programs are designed to support teachers in meeting the needs of all students, from those who require learning support to others who would benefit from enrichment and extension programs. 

Tutoring Program

St Luke’s Anglican School has developed a substantial tutoring program for students in the Primary (Years 4 to 6), Middle and Senior School, allowing them to access specialist assistance at no cost to families. Tutorials are offered by teachers, in their respective year levels or subjects, either during lunchtime or after school. These tutorials are optional but provide an excellent opportunity for students to be given extra assistance with particular subjects. 

This is a service offered by our teachers that is rarely available in other schools. Regular tutorials are also held in the Learning Hub on various weekday afternoons. A complete tutorial timetable is available online for each student at the beginning of each semester. 

Personalised Performance Programs

St Luke’s Anglican School offers a number of Personalised Performance programs to enable students in the Middle and Senior School who are elite performers in their chosen field, the opportunity to balance these commitments with academic endeavours. Entry into the program requires students to meet a certain level of achievement in regard to their co-curricular activity. Programs are devised on an individual basis to give flexibility, thereby ensuring students have every opportunity to achieve their potential academically as well as to meet the demands involved in training and preparation for their co-curricular activity.

Academic Advisor and Career Pathways Programs

Academic Advisor Program

A key component of the academic development of Senior students at St Luke’s Anglican School is the Academic Advisor Program. This program matches every student in Years 11-12 with a mentor teacher who works closely with those students to help them clarify and achieve their academic goals. 

The clear intent of the Academic Advisor Program is academic wellbeing, goal setting and academic performance consistent with each student’s future pathway. Sessions are always one-on-one and cover a range of issues, including goal setting, effective study planning, career aspirations, and assessment review, using teacher feedback to develop strategies for success.

Career Pathways

St Luke's Anglican School strives hard to provide opportunities for every student to succeed. In the later educational years, that means assisting every student to plan a pathway to enable them to lead a satisfying, prosperous life beyond Year 12. St Luke's is continually updating and developing programs that progress students through this process in the Senior years. More detailed information on these programs can be found here.

Awards & School Colours

St Luke’s Anglican School's Awards and School Colours involve the proud recognition of students who achieve excellence in a variety of activities. Outstanding students are presented with various awards such as Half Colours, Full Colours and Honour Colours, School Medals, Service Awards, Academic Awards, Special Awards, Certificates of Excellence, as well as Principal's Awards.

Students who meet the award criteria and show exemplary character through their attitude, commitment, dedication and sportsmanship, can be nominated for these prestigious accolades. These students are wonderful ambassadors for our school and demonstrate our proud ethos of Faith, Performance and Honour.

School Colours

School Colours is an award that recognises outstanding achievement in school-based Academic, Cultural, Service or Sporting activities, and takes into account aspects of the student’s behaviour.

Academic Colours

Academic Colours are awarded to students in Year 7 to 12 and are based upon assessment results in all subjects. For Year 12 students, the Academic Colours awards are based upon results up to the end of Term 3 in any given year, and are presented at the annual Awards Evening. For students in Year 7 to 11, Academic Colours are based upon results for the entire school year and are presented at an Academic Assembly early in the following year.

Cultural Colours

Cultural Colours are awarded to students in Years 9 and 12 only. However, Year 9 students may only be awarded Half Colours. The overarching criteria for all Cultural Colours are:

  • Students must show a minimum commitment of 2 years
  • Students must participate in co-curricular activities which rehearse within the school's co-curricular program.
  • Students must attend 80% of rehearsals with allowances given for justified absences like sporting, excursion or examination commitments
  • Participation at performances such as the Eisteddfod and concerts is mandatory
Service Colours

Service Colours are awarded to students from Year 7 to 12 who have shown great service in supporting and assisting others in a caring and unselfish manner. Service Colours recipients demonstrate a very high level of commitment to the community through activities that are directly organised by the School. Students can also set out to achieve Service Half Colours through demonstrating significant unselfish acts of service over a 2-year period in community service events such as Relay for Life, 40 Hour Famine, active membership of the Chaplaincy Team or Worship Band.

Sporting Colours

Sporting Colours are awarded to students from Year 7 to 12 who have achieved outstanding success in school sporting endeavours. This may include Wide Bay Regional School sport selection in a Wide Bay School sporting team, Queensland/State team level selection, winning a medal in an individual, relay or team event at a State Championship level, National team selection, or winning a medal in an individual, relay or team event at National Championships.

Meet St Luke's Heads of Faculty

Communications Faculty

The Communications Faculty is headed by Mrs Kate Aplin (BA, BEd (Sec) (Grad)), and encompasses the following subjects:

  • English
  • Literature
  • Essential English
  • English and Literature Extension 
  • Humanities
  • Philosophical Inquiry
  • Ancient History
  • Modern History
  • Geography
  • LOTE - Japanese
  • Ethics and Faith

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here

Science Faculty

The Science Faculty is headed by Mr Greg Whitelum (BEd (Sec), DipTeach) and encompasses the following subjects: 

  • Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Psychology

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here

Arts Faculty

The Arts Faculty is headed by Mrs Leanne Hutchings (BEd, Dip (Creative Arts Music), GradDipEd (Prim) and encompasses the following subjects: 

  • Music
  • Music Extension
  • Drama
  • Multi Media Arts
  • Media Arts in Practice

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here

Health/Pys Ed Faculty

The Health, Physical Education and Sport Faculty is headed by Mr Michael Parsons (BEd (Sec)) and encompasses the following subjects: 

  • Health and Physical Education
  • Physical Education

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here

Technology Faculty

The Technology Faculty is headed by Mr Ben Goodchap (BTechEd) and encompasses the following subjects: 

  • Engineering Technology
  • Design Technology
  • Design
  • Industrial Technology
  • Digital Technology
  • Digital Solutions
  • Food Technology
  • Hospitality
  • Hospitality Practices
  • Visual Art

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here

Mathematics Faculty

The Mathematics Faculty is headed by Ms Olivia Ferguson (BSc, BEd (Sec) and encompasses the following subjects: 

  • Mathematics
  • General Mathematics
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Essential Mathematics

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here

Business Faculty

The Business Faculty is headed by Acting Head of Faculty (Business), Mrs Kate Aplin (BA, BEd (Sec) (Grad)), and encompasses the following subjects: 

  • Future Thinkers
  • Business Enterprises
  • Legal Studies
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Business Strategies

Phone: (07) 4132 7555

Email: Click Here