2024 WBSS Triathlon and Aquathlon Trials

Please find below the 2024 WBSS Triathlon, Aquathlon and Multi Class Aquathlon Trial information. Trials will be held on Sunday 15 October 2023 at the Seafront Oval, Pialba, Hervey Bay. 

(Please note that these trials are not part of the Hervey Bay 100 Event this year.)

The trials for 2024 are conducted in October 2023 as the QRSS State Championships will be held 8-10 February 2024 (Week 3 Term 1).

Entries can be done on the Hervey Bay Triathlon Website via this link.

Age Groups for 2024:

11 – 12yrs Aquathlon and Multi Class Aquathlon (Girls and Boys born 2013 and 2012)

 13 - 14yrs Junior Triathlon (Girls and Boys born 2011 and 2010)

 13 – 14yrs Multiclass Aquathlon (Girls and Boys born 2011 and 2010)

 15 - 16yrs Intermediate Triathlon (Girls and Boys born 2009 and 2008)

 15 - 16yrs Multi Class Aquathlon (Girls and Boys born 2009 and 2008)

 17 - 19yrs Senior Triathlon (Girls and Boys born 2007, 2006 and 2005)

 17 - 19yrs Multi Class Aquathlon (Girls and Boys born 2007, 2006 and 2005)

Students Competing in 13 - 19yrs Track and Field State Championships on Sunday 15 October will be able to submit an exemption to be considered for selection in the WBSS Triathlon and Multi Class Aquathlon Team.