2023 ATAR Results

St Luke’s Anglican School’s graduating class of 2023 have again featured prominently on the ATAR results achieving praise worthy results. At St Luke’s we continue to prepare young men and women who strive for excellence in their academic learning and in their character.

The graduating class performed extremely well on their exams and most importantly they transitioned to life beyond secondary schooling with a strong sense of themselves and a willingness to make contributions across society. Most pleasingly, 7 students have already been offered a place in the course of their choosing, 12% finished with an ATAR above 95 placing them with the best results in the state, 23% finished with an ATAR above 90 and 54% finished with an ATAR above 80, which are excellent outcomes for these students. We also had 4 students who completed their senior year with school-based apprenticeships or traineeships and 23% students who were awarded one or more VET qualifications.

Congratulations to all our graduates who have worked hard with the support of their teachers, peers, parents and family members. The excellent results achieved by the Class of 2023 reflect the values of Faith, Performance and Honour and the pursuit of excellence. St Luke’s Anglican School is very proud of our students and their remarkable achievements.