Pastoral Care

St Luke's Anglican School offer students an attentive and nurturing Pastoral Care Program, where Pastoral Care Teachers understand each student in their classroom on both a personal and academic level, and are therefore able to assist, guide, and support every student to individualised successes.

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Program at St Luke’s Anglican School is at the core of the holistic education we so proudly deliver. It is, in essence, a framework of support to students both collectively and, importantly, as individuals. It provides students with classroom and one-on-one attentiveness in the monitoring and development of their self-esteem, social skills, mental health and performance in education. 

The Pastoral Care Program provides the opportunity for teachers to develop a special relationship with the students in their care, and is an ongoing program for students from Prep to Year 12. Throughout Primary School the program is achieved via regular classroom teachers who have the benefit of teaching the same students and class all year round. 

Once a student enters the Middle and Senior School and their teachers begin to change from class-to-class, Pastoral Care becomes a specific class of its own three times a week, with a dedicated Pastoral Care teacher. These classes are always intentionally kept to small numbers - usually between 10 to 18 students. Pastoral Care classes in the Middle and Senior Schools are structured along House lines, ie. Browning, Hoog, Morris and Noble, and in year level groups. In other words, there is a Year 7 Browning Pastoral Care class, a Year 7 Hoog Pastoral Care class, and so on.

Pastoral Care teachers of all year levels are motivated and driven to get to know each student of their class on a personal level. This allows for our Pastoral Care teachers to really understand the students in their care. They learn about their student’s goals, aspirations and achievements, as well as their setbacks and challenges. They provide support, encouragement and guidance for the students in their care for an entire school year.

Pastoral Care teachers are also often the first point of contact for parents. A reliable, trustworthy and familiar means of communication between parents and teachers can become well established through the Pastoral Care system.

Another feature of Pastoral Care at St Luke’s is the Personal Development Programs undertaken by all year levels from P-12. It is the goal of these programs to foster the social and emotional development of our students, assisting them to develop to their full potential. These Personal Development Programs are delivered by the classroom teachers and Pastoral Care teachers, and cover a range of diverse topics including developing resilience, cyber safety, habits of the mind and keys to success, study strategies, sustainability initiatives, drug and alcohol awareness, public affairs, social responsibility and global citizenship - all according to the age and development of students as they grow from Prep to Year 12.

School Houses

There are four School Houses at St Luke's Anglican School, with students allocated their house upon enrolment and remaining in that house for the duration of their schooling. School Houses provide community, care and comradeship in the formation of long-term relationships. 

Pastoral Care teachers of St Luke's are a vital part of the House system, and each House is overseen by a House Coordinator. School Houses also include an elected Senior School student House Captain, two elected Middle School student House Leaders, and two elected Primary School student House Leaders.

Browning House (Yellow / The Lion): Bishop George Browning was consecrated as a Bishop on September 21, 1985 and served as a Bishop of the Northern Region in the Diocese of Brisbane until 1992. He was a key figure in support of the establishment of the School in 1994.

Hoog House (Blue / The Bull): The Reverend John Hoog was a Rector of the Bundaberg Anglican Parish (Christ Church) in the 1980's and was an integral part of the initial planning of an Anglican school in Bundaberg City.

Morris House (Green / The Eagle): The Reverend William Morris was the first Rector of the Anglican Parish of Bundaberg (Christ Church), and served his community from 1887 to 1899.

Noble House (Red / The Dragon): The Right Reverend John Noble was Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane until 1993. He then became Bishop of North Queensland and remained so until 2007. Bishop John Noble unveiled the School's Foundation Stone on October 30, 1993 and was instrumental in support of the School's development.